Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cara memasang referrals banner dari di blog

Cara memasang referrals banner dari di blog

1. Pertama daftar dulu. Klik "Join Now" di
2. Pilih Referrals -> Banners
3. Pilih sesuai ukuran banner yang diinginkan, kemudian klik "Display HTML Code"
4. Copy/pastekan ke blog Anda.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cara Membuat Akun Paypal tanpa Kartu Kredit dan VCC

1. Masuk ke websitenya paypal. Klik Sign up.
2. Ada tiga pilihan akun.Untuk awalnya pilih yang personal. Ntar bisa diupgrade ke premier.
3. Isi data diri sesuai KTP. Yang paling penting, jangan centang pada bagian "Link my credit card so I can start shopping right away (recommended)", karena kita akan memverifikasi akun paypal menggunakan rekening BRI.
4. Klik tombol "Agree and create Account".
5. Buka email dan klik link url dari paypal untuk melakukan aktivasi email dan login ke paypal. Ini untuk mengecek apakah email yang Anda tuliskan adalah benar email Anda sendiri.

Saat ini status akun Anda adalah unverified. Untuk memverifikasi akun tersebut, silakan membaca artikel  memverifikasi akun paypal menggunakan rekening BRI.

Verifikasi Akun Paypal menggunakan Rekening Bank BRI

1. Buat akun paypal terlebih dahulu. Mudah dan gratis koq. Untuk tutorialnya bisa dilihat di artikel "Cara membuat akun paypal tanpa kartu kredit dan VCC".
2. Setelah login ke websitenya Paypal, klik menu Profile - Add Bank dan masukkan data sesuai yang ada di buku tabungan. Untuk kode bank, bisa dilihat dengan meng klik kata "What's this?". Untuk BRI, kode bank-nya 0020307. Tampilan form-nya seperti bambar di bawah :

3. Kirim email ke paypal yang berisi tentang permohonan untuk memverifikasi akun paypal. 
Alamat tujuan adalah dan subyeknya : Help me, verify my account please.
Lampirkan file hasil scan KTP dan buku tabungan BRI (scan di bagian yang ada nomor rekeningnya).
Contoh isi email :

     Dear Admin,

    I do not have any credit cards to verify my paypal account,
    please help me to verify my paypal without using Credit cards
    I am a student and I just have a bank account.
    I am waiting for the great news. help me please
    I attach my documents :
       1. my ID card
       2. my bank statement

    Best Regards,

    nama lengkap Anda

4. Tunggu balasan email sekitar 1 - 2 hari.

Selamat mencoba. Semoga berhasil...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How to register report in Euclid

In this tutorial, we will learn to register report. The report is registered to certain role.
1. Go to Authorization in Related Task (Left Menu)
2. Click Application Role

3. Select role which you want to add the report and click change button.
4. Click 'Copy from Euclid Menu' button and choose which report that will be added.
5 Click check list button (green's one) and save your work.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How to setting holiday in Euclid

In the early year, usually company will announce holiday in a year (Risk Management). This holiday must be input to this application.  In this tutorial, I will show you how to setting holiday in Euclid.

1. Go to Function Code, write TP01 and click run.
2. Type the Company Code and click Change button.
3. You can add the holiday here.

4. In Option button, you can specify what workgroup will assign to this holiday.

Besides being used to input holiday, this form can be used to input Exchange Day. Example :

 In the picture above, on Dec 11 th 2010, subworkgrop SFN must go to work at 07.30.

*) If Block Leave Stock is ticked, it will reduce remaining annual leave. 

How to add a report in Euclid

In Euclid, there are some reports that have been provided. But in fact, the company want to make special report. So we must make a report and register it to Euclid. 

1. Make sure you have a report
2. Upload your report to server using FTP in TOAD

3. Go to Euclid's application and run FD07.
4. Select folder that will be parent's folder(ex: Add on Human Resources)
5. Write the name of Function Code (ex: ZPK32), then click create button
6. Write the Menu ID same as Function Code and make sure you choose 'Report' in Status and then click Save.
7. To fill the report's paramater, click 'Substitute Report Name'

8.Fill the detail parameter here. Data prompt will appear in form report. Param. Code is the parameter in the file rdf (report). It's name must same. If Req is tick, user must fill this field. LOV is use to display the value. The value can from table or constant. If you click Query Text button, you can see the query.

9. Congratulation you have finished this task, but you haven't be able use your report. You must register this report to each role.